by admin | Feb 19, 2021 | EANGUS
National Guard will end its mission in the nation’s capital by mid-March Fox News The National Guard will remove the last of its troops from the U.S. Capitol by mid-march, a Pentagon spokesperson told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Tuesday. “We’re...
by admin | Dec 7, 2020 | EANGUS
EANGUS Announces Selection of Matthew Krenz as next Executive Director Washington, DC – Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Karen M. Craig, President of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS), is pleased to announce the selection of...
by admin | Oct 13, 2020 | EANGUS
Air National Guard Gets New Command Chief Master Sergeant By Brian W. Everstine Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams took over as the 13th command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard during an Oct. 9 ceremony at the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes. Williams,...
by admin | Aug 6, 2020 | EANGUS
Whitehead Named National Guard Bureau Senior Enlisted Adviser By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson tapped Chief Master Sgt. Tony L. Whitehead as the bureau’s next senior enlisted adviser, NGB announced Aug. 5. Whitehead, who...
by admin | May 22, 2020 | EANGUS
Guard Deployments May End One Day Short of Mark Needed for Retirement, Education Benefits Military Times Tens of thousands of National Guard troops responding to the coronavirus pandemic could see their deployments halted one day short of qualifying for a host of...
by admin | May 19, 2020 | EANGUS
The US Military Is Barring Anyone Who Was Hospitalized Due to COVID-19 From Enlisting Business Insider New guidance from the U.S. military will bar individuals who have been hospitalized by COVID-19 from enlisting, a defense official said, clarifying the situation...
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