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147th Annual NGAUS Conference

147th Annual NGAUS Conference

August 22-26, 2025 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 147th Annual NGAUS Conference You are invited to attend the 147th annual NGAUS Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is an opportunity to meet other officers and retired officers from around the country. Dynamic speakers,...

54th Annual EANGUS Conference

54th Annual EANGUS Conference

August 9-14, 2025 Reno, Nevada 54th Annual EANGUS Conference You are invited to attend the 54th annual EANGUS conference which will be held in Reno, Nevada on August 9-14, 2025. This is an opportunity to meet other enlisted and retired enlisted members from around the...



Air National Guard Gets New Command Chief Master Sergeant

Air National Guard Gets New Command Chief Master Sergeant By Brian W. Everstine Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams took over as the 13th command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard during an Oct. 9 ceremony at the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes. Williams,...

Whitehead Named National Guard Bureau Senior Enlisted Adviser

Whitehead Named National Guard Bureau Senior Enlisted Adviser By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson tapped Chief Master Sgt. Tony L. Whitehead as the bureau’s next senior enlisted adviser, NGB announced Aug. 5. Whitehead, who...


BURN PIT MITIGATION EANGUS, along with ROA, TAPS, Veteran Warriors, Vietnam Veterans of America, and most recently NGAUS, are drafting a letter to Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist to end the use of burn pits by DOD, and to field the Expeditionary Solid Waste...

The TEA Act for G.I. Bill Transferability

The TEA Act for G.I. Bill Transferability EANGUS and the VEP team have been working to change the Department of Defense’s upcoming policy that would limit the ability of Servicemembers to transfer the Post-9/11 GI Bill to their family. We are proud to announce that...

TRICARE Fairness for National Guard and Reserve Retirees Act

TRICARE Fairness for National Guard and Reserve Retirees Act Last month, the National Office supported a new piece of legislation. Frank Yoakum, our executive director shared the following quote, “The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States...


HR 5050 VETERANS AND CONSUMERS FAIR CREDIT ACT Three Representatives introduced this bill a couple of weeks ago. The bill would extend most of the provisions of the Military Lending Act (MLA) to all consumers. EANGUS is concerned about the gratuitous use of the word...




The basic allowance for housing rates will increase by 5.4% on average in 2025, the Defense Department announced Dec. 13. The BAH is paid to active-duty service members stationed in the United States when government housing is not available. DoD will pay approximately...

2024 Elections Change Guard, Veteran Makeup in Congress

A clearer picture exists of the current and former National Guardsmen who will serve in the 119th Congress. The results of the 2024 House and Senate races are also providing a better picture of the other service members and veterans who will become lawmakers in the...

Radar Sweep

Moving Space Command to Huntsville Will Be One of Trump’s First Acts, Alabama Congressman Says U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) said this week that President-elect Donald Trump is expected to move U.S. Space Command headquarters from Colorado Springs to...


Command Sgt. Maj. John Raines will be the National GuardBureau’s next senior enlisted advisor, Air Force Gen. Steven M. Nordhaus, the NGB's chief,announced Oct. 16. Raines will succeed SEA Tony Whitehead, who will retire in Novemberfollowing more than four...

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